Ledes from the Land of Enchantment

Albuquerque game library holds board game sale

ALBUQUERQUE, NM (KRQE) – A local board game library business has opened its doors for a sale. Every year, Empire Board Game Library cleans out 25% of its inventory of games to make room for new ones.

The sale is a popular Labor Day Weekend event, and they do the garage sale to make space in the library. The business’ main service allows visitors to rent time in their library. It’s $4 a person per hour, and you can help yourself to their catalog of board games.

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The sale went from 9 am to noon. Owner Rory Verona said they had a line outside the business before they opened up. “It’s been fantastic. This is really an excellent community event for Nob Hill. It’s just a ton of fun,” the owner said.

Customers are allowed to bring in their own games to sell and get credit for the next time they come in to play.

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