Ledes from the Land of Enchantment

Debra Schade selected to lead Solana Beach School District board

The Solana Beach School District board has shifted leadership for the new year.

The board held its organizational session after the three re-elected board members took the oath of office at the Dec. 15 meeting— Debra Schade, Gaylin Allbaugh and Vicki King (who ran unopposed) were all re-elected to the board in November. Outgoing board president King made the motion for the slate of Schade as president, Dana King as vice president and Allbaugh as clerk. The board’s vote was unanimous in favor.

As Vicki King passed the gavel and moved down a few seats at the board table, she was honored for her service as the board president for the last two years.

“You have led with grace, you have led with calmness and intentionality and there have been some pretty difficult topics that we have encountered in the last couple of years,” Superintendent Jodee Brentlinger said. “Your leadership efforts have not gone unappreciated and recognized.”

Neva Ayn Magalnick, the co-president of the Solana Beach Teachers Association, thanked King for her leadership and for making communication with the union a priority. Board member Julie Union complimented King for navigating the return of students to in-person learning last year and leading with thoughtfulness, professionalism and genuine care for students.

“I feel like we all learned from you all along the way what great leadership looks like,” Union said. “I think we’re all thrilled that you’re going to be serving another term.”

With her re-election, Vicki King is entering her fourth term, having served on the board for 16 years.

“I just don’t think I could ever say enough about this board. We’re so lucky,” said Vicki King. “We really stayed stable during a really difficult time… No matter what we believe, we’re still staying true to our unity of purpose.”

Re-elected with 80% of the vote, new president Schade has served on the board for 20 years. She said Vicki’s shoes will be big ones to fill: “You call us a stable board but I think we’re held together by stable leadership.”

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