Ledes from the Land of Enchantment

Future Legends holds 10th Anniversary Celebration

Future Legends held its 10th Anniversary Celebration on Dec. 29 at the Rancho Santa Fe Golf Club.

The Future Legends mission statement is “to mentor and award scholarships to deserving students in pursuit of higher education.

“Future Legends is a Rancho Santa Fe-based 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization dedicated to providing mentors and financial support to deserving high school seniors embarking on college education. In addition to academic support, Future Legends also provides life skills training, empowering scholars through its emphasis on both education and values. Founded by the Rancho Santa Fe Golf Club in 2012 honoring retired Head Professional Chuck Courtney, the program sponsors scholars studying a wide range of majors including the arts, biochemistry, computer sciences, media, law, business and environmental sciences at colleges and universities throughout the country.”

Visit www.futurelegends.org for more information.

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