Ledes from the Land of Enchantment

Utilities available; Disconnections will continue on September 1st

If you have an overdue account with Las Cruces Utilities, now is the time to have a chat with an LCU Accounts Receivable Representative to see how you can ensure your account is not disconnected. Both personal and business accounts will be separated on September 1st.

“We understand that talking about a financial situation can be difficult,” said Steven Valdez, LCU’s Billing & Receivables supervisor. “But we have many ways to ensure that you don’t lose any service and that you can pay for what is best for you.”

He stated that all employees are sensitive to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Our representatives went through this pandemic with our customers as neighbors; We know times are tough, ”said Valdez. “We would like to enable a smooth transition from account defaults, where the way to the mailbox is no longer a headache.”

The town hall location can be the first trip to see what options are available. Many other residents were helped – 2,343 private customers were supported by the LCU Assistance Fund, which provided over $ 460,000 in aid. As of April 2020, LCU has suspended all payment default interruptions, with the health and safety of customers being a priority.

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“From the LCU Board of Commissioners to the City Council, everyone at all levels understands that the past year has not been a normal year and that there will be challenges in the months ahead,” said Jose Provencio, deputy director of the LCU Business Service. “It will be a process of getting accounts paid and using all available resources and assistance before services are closed for non-payment.”

A conversation between a customer and LCU employees is easy and doesn’t take long. If you’d prefer to speak in person, go to either Customer Central City Hall at 700 N. Main Street, open Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., or the Customer Central East Mesa location, 5195 Bataan Memorial West, Open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Customers can also discuss their situation by phone by calling Customer Central at 575-541-2111 or emailing [email protected].

The utilities range from payment plan agreements to promises to pay when the invoice is due, depending on the customer’s financial situation. Support could also come from the Low-Income Energy Aid Program, funded by the New Mexico Health & Human Services Department, Casa de Peregrinos, and Doña Ana County ‘s Rental Housing Emergency Program. The ERAP currently also ends on September 30, 2021, but can help with overdue ancillary cost payments for tenants.

The LCU Customer Central can be reached Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. at 575-541-2111. LCU provides clean, safe, and reliable services to Las Cruces residents and businesses. Learn more at las-cruces.org/180/Utilities. In an emergency, call Dispatch at 526-0500.

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